
Category Archives: Healthy

Heart Health

heart health

heart health

Promote Your Heart Health

Do you promote your heart health everyday? You can have a lifestyle that promotes your heart health everyday! It is not hard to do and I believe every person is capable of living a healthy lifestyle that will keep their heart healthy. Having a healthy lifestyle that promotes heart health requires a two-prong approach. An active lifestyle to build a strong heart. And, the right foods to supply your heart the nutrients it needs.

Build a Strong Heart

Your heart is a muscle, and the way any muscle gets stronger is by repeatedly placing a demand on it. Cardiovascular workouts are that demand to build a strong heart muscle. Cardiovascular workouts increase your heart rate while you are doing them. It is recommended that you do cardiovascular workouts 5 times per week for a minimum of 30 minutes at  a moderate intensity for heart health. The direct heart health benefits are: lower blood pressure; reduced unhealthy cholesterol and increased healthy cholesterol levels; lower risk for heart disease; reduced risk for stroke.

Build a Healthy Heart with a Heart Healthy Diet

The second aspect to having a healthy heart is your diet. There are may foods that can promote your heart health, just like there are many foods that can promote an unhealthy heart. You have to eat, so why not get healthy eating foods that will help your heart.

Plant based foods are the foods that are the most beneficial for your heart as these are the foods that supply your body with required nutrients and pytochemicals. The phytochemicals in plant based foods are the best source of anti-oxidants which is very helpful for the heart muscle since the heart muscle has a very high demand for oxygen. The various phytochemicals also have anti-inflammatory properties, which is very helpful for the heart and in keeping systemic inflammation down that could negatively affect the arteries.

Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse to the Heart Health Rescue

Every meal you eat during Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse is a heart healthy meal! This program teaches you how to eat a wide variety of plant based foods that will promote your heart health. As an example, take the butternut squash I made last night for dinner. One of my favorite ways to prepare butternut squash, the recipe is in Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse. Reap all the benefits from a whopping portion of Vitamin A,  Vitamin C and it’s loaded with potassium, so it’s very good for your heart and muscles. Furthermore, butternut squash  provides lots of bioflavonoids and carotenoids which are very helpful for your heart. And, if you need another reason to eat this squash, it is a healthy carbohydrate-  our body’s need healthy carbohydrates. You can learn healthy eating habits from  Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse.



Healthy Smoothies – Brain Nourishment for the Boys

healthy smoothies

healthy smoothies

Healthy Smoothies to Nourish my Boys After School

After a day at school, the boys deserve a smoothie that will nourish their brains as well as their growing bodies – I have been making healthy smoothies for them for years. I call this one Passionate Peach. It is made with fresh orange juice, frozen peaches, coconut milk passion mango yogurt, and fresh pineapple. All blended very well in my VitaMix. A thick yummy healthy smoothie for their brains, their body and yes, even to nurture their spirit as this healthy smoothie always brings a smile to their faces!

Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse has a number of healthy smoothie recipes that I have made for my boys over the years. As the health of my family is a top priority, even making smoothies stayed in line with that priority. The ingredients I use are only healthy ingredients and I never add sugary ingredients, there is just no need to since fruit is sweet enough. I make different healthy smoothies so that the boys get the benefit of different nutrients from the different ingredients.

I give the boys healthy smoothies to get extra calories in them. Both of them have been very physically active in different sports from a young age. I have always wanted to ensure their bodies were given the nutrients it needed after all the demands they placed on their bodies. Drinking healthy smoothies has certainly accomplished both of those needs and is a much healthier choice over sodas and energy drinks.

Whether this healthy smoothie is for your kids or for you, it will bring a smile to those who get to drink it!

Made with Love – for a Healthy Family

healthy family

healthy family

Raising a Healthy Family

Made with love for a healthy family – the beautiful boys! My number 1 priority is to love them, my number 1A priority is to raise a healthy family. After training hard for hours for baseball, they will be giving their bodies exactly what they need. Since they pushed their bodies so hard, it is imperative that they replenish vital nutrients into their cells. This is how I nourish, nurture, keep my boys healthy and show them how loved they are – by always taking the best care of them I can.

green veggie juice

Be the Healthy Example for your Kids

This one was for me today. Consequently, to raise a healthy family, you need to set the example for them. This vegetable juice is filled with 100% usable anti-oxidants that will restore my body. Completely different from taking a supplement that is not 100% used by my body. It is much healthier to get all your vitamins from foods – whole food sources, like veggies, fruits, grains and beans. Doing my Full Body Vegan Cleanse program will teach you how you can raise a healthy family and how to be a vegan. Furthermore, this is a plan that is sustainable and will teach you how you can have a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.

Cultivate Your Family’s Health

You can raise a healthy family. You can make your health and the health of your family a top priority. Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse can show you how. It is not a quick fix in our fast paced society. It is the solution to keep in your life for the rest of your life, because good health needs to be cultivated.

I hope Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse can get your family on their way!

Green Juice Benefits/ Healthy Liver, Heart and Colon

Green Juice Benefits

Green juice benefits

Green Juice Benefits

You can take this simple step everyday of drinking a green juice and it will be well worth your time invested. The green juice benefits your body reaps are numerous! A number of your organs benefit, your liver, colon, and heart. The array of phytonutrients supplied to your body by a green juice are helpful down to the cellular level. A daily green juice can help reduce cholesterol and diabetes. Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse lists a number of great tasting vegetable juices.

To break this Down: lets Start with the Liver

Let’s start with the green juice benefits to your liver. All the deep green vegetables are very helpful to your liver due to their content of vitamin A, vitamin C, beta-carotene, folate, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are very helpful to the cells of the liver. Your liver works very hard everyday helping to break down the foods you eat, the man-made chemicals and preservatives in foods, pollution that you breath in, and your liver even helps break down bio-chemicals your body produces, like hormones. You could make a big difference to your health by supporting your liver. Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse promotes a healthy liver by teaching you which foods to eat and supplies you with herbs to promote liver health. Liver cleansing foods.

A Healthy Heart from Drinking Green Juice

Green juice benefits your heart too, if you are drinking juices made with a Vitamix, this is not just a juice extractor but a very powerful blender that can liquefy the entire plant. This is thee best way to get your vegetable juices because this juice will give your body all the fiber the vegetables have to offer. It is that fiber that makes a difference to your heart by keeping cholesterol low and its effect in keeping blood pressure low. Both high cholesterol and high blood pressure increase the risk of developing heart disease, drinking a green vegetable juice daily is 1 step, along with others, that can help reduce your risk of all three of those health problems.

Green Juice Benefits for Your Colon

Another organ that benefits from green juices, made with a Vitamix, is your large intestines, your colon. And for the same reason, all the fiber in the whole vegetable helps promote a healthy environment in the colon as it promotes bowel movements. A high intake of fiber is known to reduce the risk of colon cancer according to the American Cancer Society. Throughout your life it is vital to keep your colon healthy

Green Juices Help you to Maintain a Healthy Acid-Base Balance

There’s even more green juice benefits to your colon, drinking a green juice daily helps to produce a healthy acid-base balance. This is crucial to cultivate an environment in your colon that healthy bacteria thrive in. An acidic environment in the colon is the environment that unhealthy bacteria thrive in. An acidic colon is an environment that a number of digestive disorders can develop in. like Irritable Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, and become life changing problems. Disease happens in an environment that is either too alkaline(base) or too acidic, the majority of Americans are too acidic. You can reset your body, learn how.


Nutrients and Phytonutrients

More important information about green juice benefits for you!!!! Read on to see some of the nutrients and phytonutrients you will get from drinking green vegetable juices/

Raw kale has /100 grams: 3.6 grams fiber, 2.26 grams sugars, 150 mgrams calcium, 1.47 mg iron, 491 mg potassium, 120mg vit C, 141 ug foltae, 5927 ug beta-carotene, 9990 IU vit A,8198 ug lutein and zeaxanthin, 704 ug vit K,

Spinach raw/100 grams: 2.2 grams fiber, .42 grams, 99 mg calcium, 2.71 mg iron, 558 mg potassium, 28.1 mg vit C, 194 ug folate, 5626 ug beta-carotene, 9377 IU vit A, 12, 198 ug luetein and zeaxanthin, 482.9 uh vit K

Collard greens /100 grams 4 gm fiber, .46 sugars, 232 mg calcium, 27 gm magnesium, 25 gm phosphorous, .47 mg iron, 213 mg potassium, 35.3 mg vit C, 129 ug folate, 2991 ug beta-carotene, 5019 IU vit A, 4323 ug lutein and zeaxanthin, 437 ug vit K


To daily have a beautiful fresh green vegetable juice is one of the best ways you can transform your body. You will feel great! You will think so clearly! Open up and say, “Aaaahhh”. Enjoy

Stay Healthy For Life!

healthy for life

healthy for life

healthy for life

stay healthy for life

Stay Healthy For Life!

Hello! And Welcome to Full Body Vegan Cleanse! My sincere hope is for you to feel great on this Cleanse! And that you stay healthy for life! This Cleanse was developed with a number of specific goals in mind. Each of them important and each able to be reached by everyone who brings this Cleanse into their lifestyle.

Step-by-Step Guide to Stay Healthy for Life!

The very first goal for creating this Cleanse was to teach people how to have a very healthy lifestyle. I have spent time one-on-one with many people to structure a healthy diet. This Cleanse affords a great opportunity by reaching many people and being completely informative about how to eat healthfully, so you can stay healthy for life. Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse is a step-by-step guide on how to be vegan. It teaches you how to eat real food. You will not be starving yourself on this Cleanse.

A Sustainable Diet

The very next goal for Full Body Vegan Cleanse was that of sustainability. I wanted people to learn that they can eat healthy for the rest of their lives. This is brought about because the foods eaten through the Cleanse are truly delicious. I had lots of feed-back on almost every meal in the Cleanse and all of it was very positive. I know a number of people have kept many of these recipes in their diet even after completing the Cleanse. This Cleanse is not a quick 2-day cleanse that leaves you starving because you are only drinking certain liquids. This Cleanse is 30 days of recipes for breakfasts, lunches and dinners. And also lists recipes for fruit smoothies, and vegetable juices along with optional snacks. All of this makes this Vegan Cleanse very sustainable so you can stay healthy for life! Full Body 30 Day Vegan Cleanse also comes with 4 weeks of herbal formulas that i designed specifically for this Cleanse. For all these reasons that is why this is the best detox diet plan.

Vital as a catalyst for creating this Vegan Cleanse is the state of America’s health. As an Acupuncturist and Herbalist I am very aware of the increasingly bad health situation in America. I wish this wasn’t the case, but it is. The drastic decline in America’s health can be traced back to the 1950’s. I know that all of America can become healthy and I hope that bringing this Cleanse, this great way of life to people, will play a big role in creating changes for many families.

This Full Body Vegan Cleanse was created for a number of other reasons, feel free to check back for an ongoing discussion into what these other goals are and how the Full Body Vegan Cleanse has already helped people stay Healthy for Life!.


This book is not a medical manual. It is intended as a reference for a healthy lifestyle. The information is given to help you make informed choices about your health. This Cleanse is not meant as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, you are urged to seek competent medical help. If you are pregnant or nursing, it is recommended that you do NOT do this Cleanse. This is not the appropriate time to make radical changes to your body. These herbal formulas are NOT to be used by a pregnant woman. All recommendations are believed to be effective, but since the actual use of herbs by others is beyond the control of the author, no expressed or implied guarantee as to the effects of their use can be given nor liability taken. The publisher and author expressly disclaim all liability connected with goods/services/ products obtained with this Cleanse. Any use of the information in this book is at the reader's discretion.
Notice: If you have a corn allergy, do not take these herbs. (They are processed with corn starch.)

All rights reserved. The content on this website may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without written permission from the owner, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review; nor may any part of this website be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without the written permission from the publisher. Cover photo: courtesy of William Short